Zukor's Drive is an advanced feedback game which offers variable gameplay from very relaxed to extremely intense, or any point in between. It is designed for standard neurofeedback or biofeedback training and, with an upgrade, for peak performance training.
Zukor's Drive "Standard Version” offers solo or dual drive modes, plus an unique doppelgänger option in which the person competes against their own past performance. The "Standard Version" includes 15 diverse vehicles and 5 high-quality tracks.
Zukor's Drive “Peak Performance Upgrade” features additional more intense driving modes (chase, race and others), more chaotic tracks and many many more vehicles. It can also be used to add variety to "Standard Version".
Zukor's Drivealso includes all the basic features of the other Zukor feedback games, such as profiles, scores, auditory feedback, session options and more.
Zukor's Drive is our most ambitious feedback game to date with the greatest number of features, variety and potential uses for both standard biofeddback and neurofeedback, as well as peak performance training.

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